
Business Accelerator

Stop working for your business.

Let it start working for you.

Do you ever feel like…

  • You’re in the middle of a transition, but just can't seem to find your way through to the other side…

  • Your bandwidth is stretched as far as it can go, but there’s still more to do,,,

  • You’ve learned every strategy and implemented everything you possibly can, but nothing seems to create the transformation in your business that you’re looking for…

…then you are in the right place.

The Embodied Business Accelerator is a small group experience that marries the wisdom of the divine feminine with the divine masculine to help you build, grow, and develop your sustainable business with ease. 

Get ready to uplevel yourself and your business.

Kim's compassionate leadership and insightful guidance helps you navigate your journey with purpose.
“Kim leads from a heart-centered space. Her insights are always on target and have enabled me to shape my path in a meaningful way. She is approachable, open and thoughtful. This is a woman who makes a difference.”
- Dorothy Rosen, Co-founder, Women Belong

Would you like to…

🌟Elevate your relationship with time, money, your business and work-life integration.

🌟Unlock a new alignment that comes from deep trust rather than from pushing or scarcity.

🌟Create, build, and grow from a place that embodies your unique essence.

The winning combination: align your business by deepening your inner work

You launched your organization with a mission: to uplift yourself and create change in the world. Crafting a sustainable business – one that supports you while magnifying the difference you're here to make – starts with delving deep into your inner journey and shaping your strategies from a place of authenticity and purpose. 

Embrace the power of embodied strategy

You’re invited into a transformative approach where every decision and action resonates with your deepest purpose and authenticity. You’ll learn to craft pathways that honor your well-being, fuel your growth, and amplify your impact. As you navigate this journey, you're not alone; you're part of a community of visionaries, each on their own path of self-discovery and empowerment. 

Nervous system regulation for impactful expansion with ease

Creating space for you to intentionally regulate your nervous system becomes a catalyst for business expansion and stability. By cultivating shifts in your mindset, beliefs, and perceptions, you not only enhance your ability to manage stress but also unlock new avenues for impactful growth with effortless ease.

You can cultivate change from a

place of ease and flow.

Hi! I’m Kim.

With 20+ years of facilitating change as an attorney, nonprofit exec, visual and performing artist, I recognize the potency of a well-crafted strategic plan rooted in the alchemy of the energetic body. I embody both intuition and practicality, creating sacred spaces for nurturing innovative perspectives that challenge the status quo.

I'm a catalyst for positive change and conscious leadership. 

I've honed my expertise as an attorney, nonprofit executive, and as a visual and performing artist, embracing a multi-passionate approach across various sectors.

Advocacy fuels my fire. I passionately champion LGBTQIA+ rights, domestic violence prevention, child advocacy, gun control, gender equity and more. Through my efforts, I've raised tens of millions of dollars and amplified awareness for these critical causes.

As a seasoned strategist, alchemist, and leadership coach, my mission is clear: to empower authentic leaders and businesses to magnify their impact with ease. 

I believe in harnessing the visionary power within each of us to foster positive global change.

What sets me apart is my heart-centered approach. I understand the challenges you face, both personally and professionally, because I've been there. 

Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey, tailor-made just for you. I'm not only a coach and strategist; I'm a unicorn fairy godmother here to make magic happen. Let's dive in and create a future filled with lasting success, crystal clear purpose, and boundless impact.

Kim radiates generosity and positive energy.

“Kim is such an asset! She understands business and the right mindset necessary to be successful. Kim also is an incredibly giving person with so much positive energy to share with the world. “

- Rachel Simpson, Founder & CEO, Gear Up Consulting

The Embodied Business Accelerator is…

  • A space where you learn to approach your work from an aligned space and to feel deeply grounded and vibrant in your business

  • Heal deeply: cultivate a new relationship with time, money, your business, and your emotions

  • Operate your business as a highly attuned, sensitive person who needs boundaries and ample time to rest

  • Connect with a powerful group of entrepreneurs and visionaries that will walk alongside you on this journey

You’ll walk away with…

  • Tools and practices that you can incorporate in your day-to-day life to support you through the ups and downs of business

  • Clarity on what is most supportive for you as you work through transitions in your business (and life)

  • Connections with other changemakers, visionaries, and paradigm shifters who are creating aligned change in the world

  • A roadmap for your next steps to uplevel your business

The Embodied Business Accelerator is for you if…

  • You are a self-identified woman entrepreneur, business owner, founder, or nonprofit leader who is looking to uplevel their organization without hustle, stress, and overwhelm

  • You want to know how to create forward momentum in your business, and what to do when you get stuck

  • You don’t want to be working 24/7. You want your life and business to flow seamlessly together

  • You are actively creating meaningful impact in the world 

  • You’re not interested in a get rich quick scheme or to operate by someone else’s “proven strategies”, but are ready to learn new ways to step into your own unique form of leadership that allows for some breathing room for you.

Thanks to Kim's guidance, I went from struggling to finding my own path!

“Without Kim, I would probably still be struggling to find my way. Thanks to her guidance and encouragement, I am now building my own path and I can't wait to find out where I am going to take myself!”

Nadja Urech, Business Consultant

The Format

This is a high-touch small group program. Each cohort is limited to 6 participants. 

We meet once a week on Zoom for 90 minutes, working through the elements of creating an aligned business with ease. Our sessions will be on Fridays at  9AM PT/12PM EST/5PM GMT, and replays will be available.

You will have direct access to me between calls, as well as a 60-minute 1:1 onboarding session and a 30-minute 1:1 closing call. You will have access to the other members of your cohort through a private portal using the Circle app. 

Each week, you get a lesson that we will focus on as a group. In each lesson, you will receive an opportunity to practice on your own or with others from your cohort. 

The Spring cohort runs from April 5 - May 24, 2024. You will have access to the materials for one year from the start of your cohort.

The Curriculum

Onboarding (prior to week 1):  60 minute 1:1 session to identify the specific area you want to accelerate in your business. We will identify existing known roadblocks and start to build a roadmap for you for the next 8 weeks.

Weeks 1-8: Weekly live 90-minute calls with the other members of the Accelerator. You will receive a brief training at the start of each session which can be used to support where you are in your business. You will receive direct support on each call as well as learn from the support that is provided to the other members of the Accelerator. 

The topics we cover are:

  • Introduction to Running a Divine Feminine Business

  • Connecting with Your Calling

  • Rewriting Your Relationship with Time

  • Nurturing Your Energy for Business Success

  • Embodying Abundance: A Feminine Approach to Money

  • Cultivating an Energetic Relationship with Your Business

  • Creating Stability in Your Business with Sacred Energy

  • Embodying the Divine Feminine & Masculine in Business: Next Steps and Integration

You also receive a 30 minute 1:1 closing session to review the progress you've made, what still needs to happen, and to determine your next best steps.

Your Investment

$888 (payment in full)

Payment plans are available.