The secret to reclaiming your power and living with ease.

Design Your World From Within

Discover the Unique Blueprint to Your Most Authentic Self

What is the Strengthscape Self-Mastery Profile?

The journey to self-mastery is an intimate exploration of your inner world – a homecoming to the wisdom and brilliance that already exists within you. It's where you shed your limiting beliefs, embrace your most authentic self, and consciously create a life (and business) that reflects your deepest values and visions for a better world.

  • Are you a changemaker, a visionary, a heart-led soul yearning for a life of deeper purpose and fulfillment?

  • Do you long to step into your power with unshakeable confidence and clarity, yet feel held back by unseen blocks, doubt, or confusion?

  • Is there a deep knowing within you, a whisper of your truest self, longing to emerge?

Introducing the Strengthscape Self-Mastery Profile.

Stop feeling lost in a sea of self-help tools and conflicting advice. This isn't just another personality test – it's a revolutionary approach to self-discovery that goes beyond surface-level insights to reveal the deepest truths of who you are.

The Strengthscape Self-Mastery Profile is designed to foster autonomy, clarity, self-acceptance, and deep trust in yourself, weaving together seven powerful modalities:

  • Human Design: Your energetic blueprint, revealing your unique gifts, talents, and life purpose.

  • Enneagram: Based on ancient wisdom and spiritual traditions, this tool unmasks your core motivations, fears, and desires.

  • TypeFinder/16 Personalities: Rooted in Jungian theories of psychology, it illuminates your preferred ways of thinking, feeling, and interacting with the world.

  • CliftonStrengths: Measures your patterns of thinking, feelings, and behaving, identifying your natural talents and how you shine brightest.

  • VIA Character Strengths: Highlights your core values and the strengths you embody.

  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Conceptually dating back to both Plato and the Bhagavad Gita, EQ allows you to understand your emotional landscape and your capacity for self-awareness and empathy.

  • Positive Intelligence Saboteurs: Meaures the patterns and negative self-talk that sabotage your success.

This holistic approach unlocks a deeper level of self-awareness, revealing a vibrant portrait of YOU – your strengths, your blind spots, your growth edges, and the unique path that will lead you to true self-mastery.

The Self-Mastery Snapshot is simple, clean, and offers valuable insights for immediate implementation.

“Even though I’ve worked with most of these tools before, I really liked the one-page format of the Snapshot. It’s simple and clean and easy to read, understand, and assimilate. The summary of growth pathways and mantras is really helpful. You gain some valuable information about how you operate along with some action items to begin implementing right away."

Kristell Court, Life Coach & Human Design Guide

Why choose the Strengthscape Self-Mastery Profile?

Imagine having unwavering clarity and purpose, where your energy flows with ease, and where burnout feels like a distant memory. This is the power of self-mastery.

It's not about striving for an impossible standard of perfection. It's about the courageous journey inward – uncovering the wise, capable, and authentic YOU that's always been there.

Self-mastery is a lifelong practice of:

  • Deep Self-Awareness: Understanding your unique strengths, acknowledging the parts of yourself you may have been hiding, and embracing it all with compassion.

  • Intentional Choices: Making decisions each day that align with your deepest values and aspirations.

The Strengthscape Self-Mastery Profile is your guide on this journey.

Here's how it works:

  • Personalized Insights: We combine the wisdom of multiple assessments to create a tailored analysis that goes beyond surface-level descriptions, revealing the intricate tapestry of your unique design.

  • A Holistic Perspective: You'll gain a complete view of your strengths, blind spots, and growth edges, ensuring that no aspect of your authentic self is overlooked.

  • Actionable Guidance: This isn't just about understanding yourself - it's about using that understanding to create positive change. You'll receive practical tools and strategies to help you make empowered choices aligned with your truest desires.

The result? A life overflowing with:

  • Ease: Imagine moving through your days with greater flow and less struggle.

  • Joy: Discover a wellspring of inner peace and contentment that radiates outward.

  • Radiant Energy: Experience the vitality and passion that come from living in alignment with your true self.

  • Unshakeable Confidence: Step into your power with clarity, purpose, and unwavering self-belief.

Absolutely amazing! So helpful!

"I learned about my dominant traits, personality qualities, tendencies, and strengths as well as possible challenges and where to focus on growth paths...Very clear set up and comprehensive. Thank you!"

Heidi Pauer, Owner of Kind Finds

What you get with the
Strengthscape Self-Mastery Profile

Most readings and reports leave you high and dry to figure out how to implement what you just learned about yourself all by yourself, often leading to more confusion than clarity.

That's where the Strengthscape Self-Mastery Profile is different. We’re not just sharing insights – we’re creating empowerment. Each profile includes personalized implementation support to help you take action and integrate these transformative discoveries into your life.


🌟 Strengthscape Self-Mastery Snapshot ($250 With Support / $150 Standalone Profile):

  • Perfect for: Those seeking a clear and concise overview to jumpstart their self-mastery journey.

  • What you get: A two-page "cheat sheet" revealing your unique blueprint, including innate qualities, potential blind spots, and personalized growth pathways.

  • Add On Extra Support: One week of Voxer/WhatsApp implementation support to help you put these insights into action.

🌟Strengthscape Self-Mastery Report ($750 With Support / $475 Standalone Report):

  • Perfect for: Those craving an in-depth exploration of their unique design and its implications.

  • What you get: A comprehensive 40-60 page report diving deep into each assessment and how it harmonizes with your Human Design.

  • Add On Extra Support: A private 60-minute debrief session to discuss the findings and create a personalized action plan, plus one month of Voxer/WhatsApp implementation support.

🌟Strengthscape Self-Mastery Team Report (custom):

  • Perfect for: Leaders ready to unleash the collective brilliance of their team and optimize for success.

  • What you get: Each team member receives a personalized Snapshot, plus a comprehensive report revealing team dynamics, strengths, potential blind spots, and strategies for creating a harmonious and high-performing team.

  • Schedule a time to talk with me about your team’s needs.

Ready to unlock a more empowered and fulfilling life, both personally and professionally?