What does it take?


Quite often, after someone attends one of my workshops, I am asked "This is great! But, how do I keep up with this?" They are looking for a quick fix - a tool that will change everything for them. However, the answer is really quite simple. You have to be committed to making the change.

I know that sounds both simple and harsh at the same time. However, it's the truth. 

Lack of commitment to making the changes one wants to see in their life is the primary reason people aren't seeing their lives improve.

Commitment is hard. Really hard. I know. 

But it's also the only thing that works. Showing up, every day. Every single day, and re-committing to the change you want to see happen.

For example, I have numerous filing folders, binders, notebooks, etc. Every new organizational trend that comes down the pike has made it's way into my world. All in an attempt to feel more organized. But, simply buying that new item or learning the new way of doing things (bullet journals, anyone?!), doesn't work unless and until I actually commit to using it regularly.

I'm also a learning junkie. I love workshops and classes. The more I can learn, the better! One of the best things I've learned is when I make the commitment to the new behavior/activity/process, I will only see the results if I'm really committed.

What I do now before I start any new thing is to stop and think. How committed am I really? Am I willing to do the hard work that will get me to the other side, or am I looking for a tip, a trick, a tool, a "life hack" that will "solve all your problems". I've learned the hard way that all of the tips and tools are only as good as my commitment is.

So, do you have what it takes to make that next change you're wanting to make? 


What’s in a name?


The reality of burnout