The Wheel of Life

The Wheel of Life Assessment Tool is a popular coaching tool that you’ve likely seen in many places and iterations. That’s because it’s a simple yet powerful diagnostic tool.

The tool is based on the notion that there are specific categories that form the cornerstone of your overall life experience. Understanding your fulfillment and connection to each of these areas gives a quick look at your overall life fulfillment and direction on what might need more support in your life.

To the right is a template (example) of how you could create a Wheel of Life for yourself.

The key to creating your own Wheel of Life is to pick the categories that speak most meaningfully to you. You do not need to use the eight that are listed here.

Now it’s time to go to work.

  1. Rank how you’re doing in each category from 1 to 10, where 10 is excellent and achieving mastery, and 1 is you couldn’t be doing any worse.

  2. Step back and look at how you’re currently showing up in your life on your terms (i.e. with the categories that are most important to you).

  3. Reflect on the areas you’re doing well on as well as the ones that are more challenging for you at this time. Try to do this without judgment.

  4. Now, think about two or three actions (or steps) you can take to make improvements in the areas that feel most challenging at this time. These don’t have to be big steps. Just a couple of small actions that could improve those areas for you.

  5. Re-do the exercise in a month or once a quarter to see how you’re shifting and growing over time.

The Wheel of Life can be very revealing and can help you examine where you are at any given point. Used on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, it can help you build positive momentum and make the course corrections you wish to see in your life.