Follow Your Intuition

Have you ever felt a twinge that something isn’t quite right, but you can’t pinpoint exactly what it is? That’s likely your intuition trying to get your attention.

It can be as slight as an inkling, as tickly as butterflies in your stomach, or as strong as a punch in the gut. How it shows up is different for everyone. And, your ability to hone into it depends on how attuned you are to it.

Learning how to hear and listen to your intuition is key to living your most authentic, deeply meaningful life. And, it can also be incredibly scary.

Other voices work really hard to protect you from failure or making a mistake. These instincts are there to keep you safe and unharmed - like ways to prevent you from being eaten by a bear when you’re walking. But, since most of us don’t have literal bears in our lives we need to worry about, it’s important we start giving our intuition more regular air time in our thought processes to break the cycles put into place by our instincts that are no longer relevant.

Whether you’re wanting to make a major change in your life - a new job, start a new business venture, pivot your career - or if you’re simply trying to decide whether to invest in a new piece of clothing, having the ability to tap into your intuition can create an easier and more effective way to move forward.

So, how can you learn how to let go of these instinctive impulses, while you begin to trust yourself and your intuition more? Here are three exercises that can help you take steps in that direction.


Tune Into Your Body

Your body holds a tremendous amount of information. By quieting your mind and tuning into your body, you will be able to tap into a wealth of knowledge to help you. You may feel a sense of calm, peacefulness or lightness, indicating you are heading in the right direction. Or, you may feel a tightness in your chest or stomach, a sinking feeling, or a heaviness indicating something is not right.

All of these are ways your intuition is trying to send you information to help you with decision making or to let you know you’re either on or off your path.

If you are like most people, you likely live primarily above your shoulders (i.e. in your head). If that rings true, you may need to take some time to get more in touch with your body so you can understand the messages being sent to you. This brief exercise will start to allow you to tap into your senses, which, over time, will allow you to be able to tune into what your body is telling you.

1.     Find a place and time where you can sit quietly and undisturbed for 5 minutes.

2.     Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.

3.     Open your eyes.

4.     Without thinking, identify five things you can see.

5.     Next, again without thinking, identify four things you can hear.

6.     Then, identify three things you can feel.

7.     Identify two things you can smell.

8.     Finally, identify one thing you can taste.

9.     Close your eyes and take three more deep breaths.

That’s it! Try doing this exercise once a day for a week and see what you notice.


Recognizing Clarity

Some have described it as a lightbulb or an “ah ha” moment. They often come when you’re in the shower or driving in your car. That's your intuition trying to communicate with you.

When you allow your mind to rest it opens up and allows your thoughts and emotions to flow through. It’s at this time when you suddenly have a deep knowing and clarity. There is no doubt about the direction you need to take next, even if you don’t know how or where it’s leading.

The best way to create more opportunities for these “ah ha” moments is to allow space to rest your brain on a regular basis. Meditation is a wonderful way to do this. The aim is to be in the moment, not clear your mind of the endless thoughts that bounce around your brain. Simply said, you’re going to bring attention to your breath, and then back to the breath when you notice your attention has wandered.

1.     Get comfortable and set a timer for 2 minutes.

2.     Focus on your breath. Where do you feel your breath most? In your belly? In your nose? Try to keep your attention on your inhale and exhale.

3.     Follow your breath for two minutes. Take a deep inhale, expanding your belly, and then exhale slowly, elongating the out-breath as your belly contracts.  

4.     That’s it! When the timer goes off you’re done.

What did you notice? Did you have any “ah ha” moments? Whatever came up is great! Just keep practicing.


Feels Like Groundhog Day

When you feel like you’re getting the same messages or opportunities over and over again, this is your intuition turned toddler jumping up and down in front of you insisting on watching the same Octonauts episode again for the 15th time today.

It’s not subtle, but it is effective. When you are able to see the patterns that keep recurring in your life, take some time to understand what you’re not paying attention to and what changes you might be able to make to bring you in alignment with what your intuition is trying to tell you. Here’s an easy way to practice being aware of what messages outside yourself are trying to tell you.

1.     Open a book (any book will do).

2.     Turn to a random page.

3.     Focus on a random paragraph.

4.     Read the sentence or paragraph. What is it telling you?

The more you practice this exercise, the more you will be able to tune into what your intuition and the universe are telling you, which can help get you firmly onto the a path that feels authentic and meaningful

How will you begin to tap into your intuition?
What possibilities does this open up for you?

Drop me a message and let me know how these exercises are working for you.


Leading Through Intuition


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