Friday Fab Five - Are You Hiding Out?
Happy Friday! I hope you had a FABULOUS week this past week!
This has been a fabulous week in the Romain household and with KR Coaching & Consulting. We have some exciting things coming up over the next couple of months, and in preparation I’m definitely also feeling the #overwhelm and a little bit of #fear in with the excitement.
Generally speaking, when overwhelm and fear pop up in work and life, my inclination is to begin hiding out. This can show up as:
Spending a good deal of time on what doesn’t really matter to me or doesn’t “move the ball forward”;
I start to feel like I’m on a hamster wheel, chasing my own tail and repeating the same things over and over again;
I find myself dismissing or avoiding the “big stuff” to stay in a place where I’m more comfortable (at least in the short term); and,
My thoughts tend to be more focused on lack instead of on growth or abundance.
So, why does this happen when good things happen to us? And, what can we do to pop ourselves off this track of hiding out?
This week’s FAB FIVE* tackles this issue head on. It’s time to get out of our own way and to step out of the shadows we’ve created for ourselves. Are you with me? Then let’s get to it!
*Want more FAB FIVE? Click here to subscribe to the FAB FIVE newsletter.
Commit To It
Often, these feelings of overwhelm and fear pop up because we feel the need to have the perfect plan, the perfect solution, the perfect roadmap before we even get started to really make some headway. But, here’s the thing. We never know what the future will hold.
Could everything go to shit? Absolutely. But, it’s equally as likely that everything could be better than we ever imagined.
By taking the step to FULLY COMMIT to what we’re working towards, we allow ourselves to be open to what’s possible, instead of focusing on what our brains want to tell us is impossible.
Want some help with sticking to your commitments? Try the following:
Set SMARTER goals. S = Specific, M = Meaningful, A = Achievable, R = Relevant, T = Time Based. E = Evaluate, R = Re-evaluate
Create a MASSIVE ACTION Plan. This is the plan that will implement your SMARTER goals. How are you going to get to them? Create a way to measure your success along the way through identifying smaller steps and points of celebration. Track your progress. Finally, be patient. Nothing happens overnight. Give yourself a chance to live into your goals and action plan.
MANAGE YOUR TIME. As a person with a Rebel tendency, This one can be super challenging for me. And yet, there are ways for all of us - regardless of our personality - to manage our time better. The #1 way that has helped me with this is to actually understand how and when I work best. Once I recognized these trends, I stopped fighting with myself to “get more done” and “be more focused” and I allowed myself to manage my time on my terms. So, with this one, I suggest finding a way to manage your time that works for you. There are many time management systems out there to try. Or, if you’re like me, you may have to develop your own. Need help? Reach out. I’d be happy to work with you on finding what works best for you.
Stop Putting Out Fires
Unless you literally put out fires for a living, you are not a firefighter. So, you would likely be best served not trying to constantly put out fires.
So often in life and work we believe we have to work at a high intensity or at a frantic pace. This is what is called “prey mentality”. And, just like I said you’re not a firefighter, you are also not prey. No one is out to eat you alive.
What to do to combat this? Slow the F down. Seriously. Stop trying to work at a breakneck speed. There is more peace found in the present moment than at the end of your to do list.
Looking for a way to slow down? Check out my Gratitude Meditation.
Take Responsibility
We often spend a lot of time shifting responsibility - either taking on responsibility for others that is not ours, or blaming others for something that really is our responsibility.
A great way to shift out of fear and overwhelm is to take stock of what it is YOU want for YOURSELF - whether it be in work or life. When you start to take responsibility for yourself and only yourself in this way, you step out of victim mentality and begin empowering yourself more deeply.
Love You by Being You
Is loving yourself predicated on your accomplishments? Or, are you only willing to love yourself based on your judgements of others? If so, you may be trapped in a level of toxicity that will keep you stuck, especially when you’re trying to push forward.
It’s important to recognize your self-worth beyond those things you have done. Remember, we are human BEINGS not human DOINGS. So, begin by evaluating who you are and what you love about that person.
Then, drop the comparison. When we base our worthiness on someone else’s accomplishments, we are denying our own beautiful authenticity and brilliance in the world.
Comfort in Discomfort
You cannot outrun your problems and challenges. Even if you temporarily give them the slip, they come back. Sometimes with a vengeance. To get to where you want to be, there will inevitably be some discomfort along the way. Those discomforts are an indication of your growth and that you are moving towards what you want more of in your life and work.
When you start to find the comfort in the discomfort, you are actually growing and becoming stronger in the process. That, in itself, is pretty cool.
When we find ways to stop hiding out, even just a little bit, we start to see how we’re growing into the person we want to become. Imagine what will be possible in your work and life when you get there. Allow yourself to dream and see that person. As the vision becomes clearer, you have more opportunity to step into your future self.
What are you waiting for?
If you’re looking for more help along your journey, check out my online course SYNERGY Style, a unique supported self-study program that allows you to develop your own synergistic leadership style for work and life by tapping into the essence of who you are at the core.
Until next week, have a FABULOUS week ahead!