Stop feeling so scattered


So many working moms tell me they feel scattered - too many balls in the air, pulled in too many directions, not sure how to balance it all.

I mean, after all, we’ve been told everything will be great if we just get our lives balanced. We will feel whole, present, and complete if we can only find a way to be:

  • an engaged parent,

  • a doting child,

  • an enamored spouse,

  • a top-notch employee/er,

  • a dedicated friend,

  • and to find ways to care for our minds, bodies and souls to boot.

Really? Because just looking at that list makes me feel exhausted. That’s why I call bullshit on the word “balance”.

What working moms really need is harmony in their lives.

Think about it. Balance is linear. It can be measured, but it is also a fixed point that we’re aiming for. Harmony on the other hand is fluid, constantly interchanging. “Balance” is loaded with masculine (yang) energy and “harmony” is loaded with feminine (yin) energy.

We need both masculine and feminine energy in our lives. However, many of us have been raised that feminine energy traits are “bad” or “wrong” and don’t lead to “success.”  Masculine energy is presumed to be more powerful, and is seen as the only way to “take action” or “create results.”

How many of us have spent time operating with dominant masculine energy (balance focused), sacrificing self-care for achieving a goal, or our health (mental and/or physical) to meet someone else’s idea of success?

Sofia Sundari writes:

Feminine leadership embraces emotion, it uses it to promote understanding, build consensus. It has to do with empowering and supporting others. It’s about working together and connecting.

Feminine leadership is focused less on the end result, and more on the process, less on doing, more on receiving.

The way to start shifting away from the traditional, domineering masculine energy, or balance-focused way of life, is through embracing the more empowering feminine energy, or harmony-focused way of life.


When working moms begin to embrace the harmony-focused way of life, they find that their lives have more meaning, feel less scattered, and have more time for what is most important to them.

Does this sound good to you? It does to me.


Friday Fab Five - The Unbalanced Life


Parenting in a pandemic