Opening Up to Possibility
Very often when a new client starts with me, they don’t necessarily know where they want to get to at the end of our work together, but they know they’re tired of where they are now. That’s a key indicator of an individual who is feeling stuck.
Whether it’s our careers, businesses, relationships, or just the day to day things - hello a year of COVID! - repetition over a long period of time can lead to feelings of frustration, stagnation, lack of motivation, and even our old friend overwhelm.
You see, most of us operate in a way that keeps us closed off to possibility. We think there’s “a way” things need to or “should” be done, or “a way” we “should” behave or react. But, that’s just not true.
Shoulds and thinking there is only one way to do or be puts us into a state of helplessness or victimhood, when the reality is, other possibilities are always within your reach.
Sure, you may not have a magic wand that will allow you to immediately fix your business, change jobs, or find a new place to live. But, every day has countless opportunities that are predicated upon the choices you make.
Imagine, though, if you make one small change from your usual routine - turning left instead of right at the intersection like you always do. This possibility may set things in motion that can create enormous opportunity you would have otherwise not had the opportunity to see.
That’s why I love asking my clients “What is possible if…”
Today, I’d like to invite you into the world of possibility where you get a chance to explore and play with thinking outside the box you may be operating from within without even knowing it.
Are you ready? Then let’s dig in!
Create More Awareness
We’ve talked before about how slowing down can actually help us speed up. By slowing down and allowing for more awareness, you are also opening yourself up to possibilities for change. Here are some ways you can practice creating awareness in your every day life:
Take your daily walk in the opposite direction from your usual pattern
Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand
Eat a meal using your non-dominant hand
Say yes to something you have been too afraid to say yes to in the past
Each of these activities help cultivate a beginners mind, which is necessary for developing the skill of mindfulness, which in turn helps us see possibilities we can’t see when we’re operating from within a place of stagnation.
Get Out of Your Head
Regardless of how much we exercise and move our bodies, we live most of our lives above the neck. Our brains do an amazing job of keeping us safe. But sometimes, in fact it’s more times than necessary, our brains create the stories that keep us from moving forward in our lives the way we wish we could.
So, how does one go about getting out of their head?
Start by challenging your beliefs and ideas of how you think things “should” be.
Take out a journal or a voice recorder and capture all the beliefs you have about what you can or can’t do. Next, capture your thoughts on how you should be showing up in your work, life, or the world. What do you notice? Are these empowering thoughts? Are there any you might like to challenge and potentially reframe or change?
Positive energy creates positive energy (the opposite is also true). So go ahead… consider the possibilities of challenging some of these core beliefs. When you start shifting any negative thoughts, you will start to see new opportunities open up for you.
Know You’re Not Alone
Recognizing you’re not the only one going through something - feeling stuck, bored, afraid - can be a huge relief for many people. When we’re afraid of failure, rejection, or even of change itself, we keep things inside and try to “get through it” on our own.
Being in community with others, however, can help us see possibilities where we would never have looked.
The ways to connect with others is countless. And, by bringing what is going on with you to others, you give them an opportunity to grow right along side you while you’re receiving support.
Who in your circle can you reach out to? Do you have a coach or a therapist to call? Are you part of a business mastermind or community?
Need help finding community - reach out to me directly or connect through the Your Kickass Career online community.
Practice Empathy
Recognizing others as individuals, as fellow humans, is a great opportunity to welcome possibilities into your life. When people are grumpy or short with you, which we all do from time to time, our ability to see them as another human being and not rushing to judge them or put them in their place starts to open our minds in new ways and lets us see the world a little more differently.
To practice this, stop and see the person who is ringing up your groceries or delivering your food. I mean really see them. Look into their eyes, if you can, and allow for human connection. If they seem to be having a challenging time, offer them a smile or a softness in your expression to let them know you see them.
Each time you practice empathy in this way, you open yourself to opportunities and possibilities you would not otherwise have seen. And, as a bonus, you may just change someone else’s trajectory, as well.
“To get something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.”