Planning for the New Year
As we look ahead into the new year, it can be an exciting time - setting goals, creating a new future, becoming a “better version” of ourselves.
It’s also a great time to create calm in our lives and intentionally turn inward for reflection to lay the groudwork for what’s to come. I’ve found that setting impactful intentions and action plans into place is best approached with ease and calm.
My New Year’s gift to you is to provide a few steps to help you create a meaningful new year planning process that can help you build on what you’ve already learned and create the future you’re meant to unfold.
Let’s get started…
1: Find Your Presence
When you’re able to create and hold onto a sense of presence in your life, you’re able to stay connected to your truest, most authentic self. The best way I know to reconnect with myself in this way is by using breath. As you sit down for your planning session, try this:
Breath in for a slow count of 5
Pause at the top for 5
Exhale out through your mouth on a slow count of 5
Repeat 5 times
2: Settle Your Mind
Of course, connecting with yourself is just the beginning. Now it’s time to settle your mind. I love doing this through connecting to my heart, which moves the energy down from my head (which is usually churning through one thought after another) and even deeper into my body. Try This:
Place one or both of your hands over your heart or center of your chest.
Allow the breath to gently move in your hands up and down at a slow pace.
Imagine a ball of golden light in front of your chest grow larger on your inhale and smaller on your exhale.
On each inhale, allow the ball to get bigger than the time before, until the ball is as large as you.
Allow yourself to imagine being inside the ball of light.
Ask the ball of light to keep any distracting thoughts or energies from coming into your space as your working on your planning session for next year.
Gently drop your hands to your lap.
3: Reflect on 2021
Now it’s time to dive into the work at hand. Set a timer for 30-minutes and write down all of the things you accomplished over the past year. No matter whether they felt large like starting a new business or moving to a new city, or smaller like taking on a new daily practice or saying no more often. All accomplishments are accomplishments and we need to take time to recognize and celebrate them.
Once you’ve written down your accomplishments, reflect on what you want to leave behind in 2021. What is no longer serving you? Do this from a place of non-judgment. There is nothing wrong with the person you are today. These are just intentional changes you wish to make to grow into the next iteration of self.
One way I love to approach this is to write down all of the “I don’t wanna” onto a list. What are all of those things you honestly don’t want to deal with anymore in your life and work? Write them down. We’ll use this information in the next step.
4: Look Ahead to 2022
Set the timer for another 30 minutes. Ask yourself - Who do I want to be at the end of 2022? Imagine your future self. What are you doing? Who are you with? Where are you? How does it feel being this person?
Now, from this place start to write down all the things you will need to welcome more of into your life to become that person.
Also, take a look at your “I don’t wanna” list. Consider which of these things can be delegated or even possibly whether you’re ready to let them go.
You should now have a list of goals in front of you.
5: Get Curious
When you look at this list of goals, what are the themes you see? Are you able to put them into categories such as health, family, business growth, financial, creativity, etc.?
After identifying the themes or patterns you see, ask yourself “What three words give these definition?”
For example, themes might surface for you as growing your business, growing your knowledge around finances and connecting more with your family and friends. The words that give those definition could be growth, expansion or abundance.
Now, sit quietly with each of these words. Roll them around in your brain one at at time. Say each of them out loud. After you spend a few minutes with each word, notice how you feel with each one. Take your time exploring each of them.
When you find the one that resonates most deeply with you, write it down.
5: Affirm Your Vision
Seal your vision for 2022 by writing down the following in a place you will be able to return to it often over the coming weeks:
Your word of intention for the year ahead (step 4)
Your themes (step 4)
Each goal under its them (step 3)
Allow yourself to spend time with this vision on a regular basis. Tweak as needed by stepping into the process through centering (steps 1 & 2). Revisit your future self and allow that person to bring you gently forward into the new year.
If you want to design your work and life on your terms, schedule a free consultation to find out how I can help you remove the busy-ness out of your business and your life.