Embracing Your Growth Edge
A “growth edge” is that place that moves us from the known to the unknown, comfortable to uneasy, stagnation to growth. Very often people avoid leaning into a growth edge because it’s scary, overwhelming and, frankly, they don’t trust themselves. But taking an opportunity to embrace your growth edges - and even to take time to build some strength around them - allows you to step deeper and deeper into the person you want to become. Ready to give it a try?
Finding Worthiness
Self-love, self-esteem, self-regard, self-confidence and all the other ‘self-’ words are wonderful and important. But, the most crucial concept of them all is self-worth - the importance you place on yourself. It is a fundamental element of our being and controls the way we see ourselves both individually and in the world.
Dealing With the Unknown
The beginning of the new school year has come and gone. The excitement of what to come is coupled with the fears of what may be. One would think that after 18 months of dealing with uncertainty and the unknown we would have become adept at it. And yet, we’re still craving control. Control over our circumstances, our decisions, our lives. But, as much as we would like, the decisions other people make and their behaviors are not ever within our control. The one thing we can learn to do is to control our mindset.
There’s Nothing Wrong With You
Psst… I have a question for you. How many times has something not gone to plan and your immediate reaction is “what is wrong with me?”
As women, demonizing ourselves is our #1 pastime and we don’t even get to enjoy it. Instead, we feel alone and swear everyone else has it together in ways we don’t.
Here are some reasons why we do this and strategies to start shifting from automatically believing you’re wrong to opening yourself up to the possibility of being right, just the way you are.